3E (Consulting and Training Solutions, LLC )


Provide personal and professional development opportunities that enhance knowledge, skills and enrich the individual and organization.

Foundation of Trauma Informed Care:

This course is designed to provide participants with a basic understanding of trauma, what it means, the impact it has on people, and strategies to use to mitigate retraumatizing a person.

Importance of trauma training

  • Enhance professional knowledge
  • Cultivate a transformative understanding of ACE
  • Increase self-awareness

Restorative Practices

Restorative practices are an essential and effective process for creating a positive environment, repairing and reducing relational harm, and building social capital. Topics include but are not limited to fundamentals of theory and practices for engagement, the importance of being explicit about practice, setting expectations while demonstrating support, building community in your setting, and how facilitating healing circles.

Cultural Humility

Becoming culturally competent and practicing cultural humility are essential when servicing people. Cultural humility encompasses awareness of one’s own worldview and how it impacts our interactions, developing a positive attitude around diversity, and intentionality to want to change. It is a lifelong process that requires one to critically self-evaluate and self-critique.


This course is designed to help participants recognize and respond appropriately to cardiac, breathing, and first aid responses. It teaches you how to give immediate care until medical personnel arrives. Please take the quiz to test your knowledge. (will get quiz together)

Implicit Bias

Whether we want to believe it or not we are all guilty of being biased. Our life experiences and worldviews, shape who we are, how we engage with other cultures, and what we think about race, gender, sexual orientation, gender roles, and so on. These factors determine the lens through which we view society. This course aims to help recognize and acknowledge your own biases and encourage you to intentionally explore how your biases impact your decisions and the ways you provide treatment to service users.

CEUs coming soon.

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CPR quiz

This is the CPR quiz. I will bold the answers so when they submit, they know if it is right or wrong

1 / 5

How long do you check for breathing?

2 / 5

How many grams of sugar should you give a diabetic in an emergency?

3 / 5

In case of head injury keep person still

4 / 5

In what order from mild to severe are heat related illnesses?

5 / 5

How many seconds should each breath last?

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