3E (Consulting and Training Solutions, LLC )


I still don't know a person
who hasn't had to make a
life Transformation In
order To Find Happiness

How We Became 3E

3E stands for engaging, educating and empowering. In order to have an impact, it is our belief that you must be able to capture your audience/clienteles’ attention before beginning to teach a new skill or increase one’s knowledge and then they are able to feel a sense of empowerment.

Butterflies symbolize change from an old to a new life. Change and transformation are inevitable for us all, but it does not have to be traumatic. Change can occur as gently and as joyfully as one wishes. The butterfly symbolizes transformation and joy. Its dance reflects the need for movement from where we are to our next phase of being. Change ensures growth. We have to shed the old before we can become and develop into the new.

There is a Native American legend that says, “If you have a secret wish, capture a butterfly and whisper your wish to it.” Since butterflies cannot speak, your secret is ever safe in their keeping. Services at 3E Consulting & Training Solutions L.L.C will mimic the same sentiments. You’re a priority and your confidentiality comes first.

The lesson of the butterfly is letting go of old behavior and flying into the next phase of existence. Each of us transforms through multiple stages in our life. It is only through exertion that we emerge into who we will become next.

Change comes from within but it doesn’t have to be alone, so seek assistance and guidance of 3E Consulting and Training Solutions L.L.C

Our Mission

To serve people by providing the highest quality of professional services that address their family, training and consultant needs. Provide a collaborative culture that enables individuals to thrive professionally and personally.

3E’s Guiding Principles

  • Create a better community through prevention and collaboration
  • Promote individual well-being and healthy family relationships
  • Support a nurturing environment for visitation
  • Educate and empower individuals with focus on trauma-informed care
  • Foster a safe and loving environment through mediation and parent coordination

Trust and Peace

Blue is trust and peace. It suggests loyalty and integrity which are traits of 3E. Purple is to be imaginative and creative and 3E inhibits those characteristics in order to individualize services and meet the clientele where they are at.