3E (Consulting and Training Solutions, LLC )

Life Services

To provide life-long, impactful, and high-quality support services, ensuring that people live fulfilling moments and realize their inner strength.

“Coaching is a unique and intimate journey you take with yourself”– Destination unknown

3E provides a healing space for transformation to occur and begin the process for change to become whole again.

Our motto is small steps lead to quantum leaps.

What is Life Coaching you ask?

Simple, it’s you. Coaching is you, only better.

As a life coach, I will help you identify and affirm for you, what is crucial for you to succeed at this time. Coaching is about bringing positive energy, having the ability to motivate and be insightful, that it changed your life forever.

Do you…
  • Want a more fulfilling life, but don’t know how?
  • Know what you want to do, but are having trouble making it happen?
  • Feel confused or stuck?
  • Want to start living life as it is meant to be lived?
  • Want to feel inspired, happy, and confident …Like yourself?


If so, then you have come to the right place. 3E life coaching could be perfect for you, to help you transform your life into one of deep full fulfillment and outward success like a butterfly who just grew their wings.

What qualifies me to coach you?

  • A coach needs to present and conscious to stimulate radical growth. My life is centered on being present… Not just in my coaching, but in all moments.
  • I have a knack for recognizing the underlying principles behind human behavior, creation, and performance
  • I will tell it exactly as I see it
  • I will encourage and/or challenge you to determine your own most important goals and values and live up to them
  • I will help you discover, for yourself, the intrinsic and extrinsic value of happiness

Why choose me as your coach?

  • You want a talented, loyal and behavior/thought changing coach
  • You want results
  • You want consistency, stability, and reassurance
  • You want transformation

Life Coaching with Shauna includes:

Scheduled coaching calls at a frequency/duration that works for you

Summaries of our scheduled calls sent to you via email

Unlimited interim calls when things come up

Unlimited email coaching

Coaching via webcam if desired

In person coaching at agreed upon location

Rates ranging from $375-$650 a month

You seek me. I encourage you to proceed with a free session with me to discover for yourself what coaching can offer you.

EOL Doula

The purpose of the EOL Doula service is to bring a dying person and their family the kind of intimate and personal care they deserve during the end of life. Added care to make the last days and hours comfortable, peaceful, and richly meaningful.

An End-of-Life Doula is a non-medical professional whose role is to provide emotional support for the dying and their families on life’s final journey. We will provide a mindful, compassionate, and skilled presence, guiding the dying and their loved ones to create the space for a meaningful and dignified death. We do not take the place for hospice care but provide a loving and compassionate extended layer of care for the dying, the family, and the caregivers.

We can be the bridge that can help the dying embrace not only their life, but the full experience of physical death, and ensure personalized care and support in the last days of life.

Our role of a doula not only includes end-of-life education and caring for the dying, but it also encourages reflection on the meaning of one’s life, creating the opportunity for meaningful conversations, creating a sacred space, emotional support, and post-death grief and follow-up support for the family.

After death, we can help the family and friends reprocess their experience, explore and possibly reframe negative perceptions, ideas, or perceived negative experience, and support the family and friends as they begin their bereavement journey, and take care of any details that the family is unable to do.

Here at 3E, we strive to create a peaceful passing.